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By Jamila Taylor “Thirsty”. A term we see on memes on Facebook and Instagram, which according to Urban Dictionary means "to crave attention from the opposite sex or desperation for acceptance...” (Clean version). I laugh at the funny memes on social media newsfeeds portraying "Thirsty" scenarios using everyone from Steve Urkel to SpongeBob, but is this "Thirst" phenomenon found within each person? As a young adult woman, I confess to overusing “I can't wait until...” statements. stone in expectation that will satisfy that annoying sensation of hunger that eats at our hearts. Every living animal on the planet experiences some degree of hunger. Lions hunger for meat, squirrels hunger for acorns, but for human beings the hunger digs deep into our souls that only something greater can fill. "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled with any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus." ~ Blaise Pascal, French Philosopher ~ These statements could end in the following: graduating from college, getting that 6 figure job , getting a new car and house, marrying a tall-dark Prince Charming and having 2.3 children with a white picket fence in the suburbs or loft in the city with a Yorkie, etc. All of these statements sound the alarm of "Thirst". We naturally hope to gain that next achievement or mile22 | Royal & Radiant Magazine All of humankind is searching for something or someone to fulfill that gnawing emptiness that is deeply rooted in our souls. As young women of the 21st Century, we often try to fulfill our "Thirst" for validation from family and friends by becoming overly ambitious when it comes to temporal gains in education, careers, possessions, activities, and relationships.