Royal Mountain Travel Magazine Royal Mountain Travel Magazine Issue 3 | Page 56

Exchanging Culture for a Concrete Future “We are planning to make this village into a ‘Plastic Free’ village. We are not complaining that people are making our village untidy, but we just want to set an example. We can influence other towns and villages and we are educating our students to minimize the use of plastics. classes up to 12 but the government only helps us up to class 8. The rest is supported by RMT.” When I asked him that why the school was supporting the homestay program, he replied that as it is a very small village where most of the people depend upon farming (which in turn is dependent on the rain), then these homestays will help bring economic benefits among the villagers. If the community becomes stronger then inevitably, the school will perform better. The principal then continued to tell me how the local community, RMT and the school discussed how by receiving funds, they could start something that would be sustainable for a long time and benefit the whole community. This was the idea initiated by Royal Mountain Travel. I asked, “Does any of the revenue generated from the homestays go to Royal Mountain?” “No. See, RMT finances us to maintain the toilets for the convenience of the guests. Up until recently, building a toilet with a bathroom was the biggest issue for us. We, the villagers, hope that we have done our best to make our guests and donors happy.” Meeting the students. Photo: Sudan Budhathoki.. More questions started to come from the local students. They asked about the culture of America, if the visitors liked Nepal or not and why were they visiting this school. To help make things easier, some of the Nepalese teachers translated their students’ questions into English. The American students then answered questions, one after the other. They discussed how American food compared with Nepalese food. The visiting students said that Nepalese foods were served in big portions and that the food was quite delicious. They expressed their surprise and showed delight by the unexpected but magnificent hospitality from the school and the whole village. The purpose of their visit was to experience Y