Royal Mountain Travel Magazine Royal Mountain Travel Magazine Issue 2 | Page 50

Travel to Care International tourism is forecast to triple in volume over the next twenty years. It is vital to minimise the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and cultural heritage, at the same time maximising the benefits for the local people living in tourism destinations. Global travellers increasingly want an authentic destination experience. They are interested to stay with local residents, to try the local cuisine and immerse themselves in the local culture. Most of all, they are keen to know that the money they are spending is going to local entrepreneurs, communities and individuals. Entrepreneurs are now starting to recognise that they can create and offer travel experiences that are attractive to the responsible traveller. Travel operators can go a long way in creating authentic experiences, often at a much lower cost. They can establish sustainable practices that lead to more profit in the longer term. Travel to care came about as a result of recognising that the growing trend in responsible travel means that information is needed on those travel operators or local hotels that practice responsible and sustainable tourism. By presenting this information online, this can encourage responsible travellers around the world to include locally run homestays, hotels and tour operators in their itineraries. 50 May 2014 be inspired. be responsible. Brain-child of Karen Stigsen, she is Managing Director of Grace Tours, a leading specialist tour operator from Denmark focussing particularly on India, Nepal and Bangladesh. She has set the benchmark for authentic destination travel in South East Asia and works closely with smaller local accommodation providers rather than the big multi-national chains. She seeks local partners for transport and ground arrangements and all her itineraries permit her guests to experience social, community or ecological development projects. ROYAL 51