Royal Mountain Travel Magazine Royal Mountain Travel Magazine Issue 1 | Page 19

Humla “IthinkHumlaishonestlyoneofthemostculturallyfascinating places in all of Nepal, a cultural tapestry woven from ancient Khasakingdoms,ancestorsofthegrandZhangzhungkingdom ofthenorth,withamixofRajputandThakuriblendedintothe mix” – Carol Dunham, anthropologist. “Here in Limi, I felt as if I’d dropped through a trap door into anothertime,intoaplacewheretheworldofTibetanmyth,of Shangri- La was still alive” – BBC historian Michael Wood. Welcome to Limi, a hidden valley encircled by mountains in the far north western reaches of Nepal in Humla. It is Tibet in all but name.TheTibetan-speaking people of Limi’s three well-kept,medieval-lookingvillagesarefriendly,proudand very welcoming. Halji’s Rinchenling Gompa is a fascinating structure over 800 years old. The ancient Kagyupa sect of Tibetan Buddhism is practiced here. Life here is for the hardy, sustained by simple agriculture and traditional wooden handicrafts for trading in Tibet. Only recently did local collaboration with NepalTrust bring solar lighting and a health post to Limi. Now, residents are looking at how responsible tourism can benefit their communities. “We need to tell the world about Humla so they will want to come here,”Lama Padma Riksal told National Geographic’s James Vlahos. “We need more tourists.” While the final section of the GHT in Nepal and the route to Mount Kailash follows the roaring, turquoise Karnali River, ‘the pulse of the earth’, make the detour to Limi for a unique andunforgettableexperience.You’llbewelcomedandyour journey will make a difference. “Forsomewell-travelledandtrekkedpeople,myselfincluded, HumlaandtheLimiValleyaresimplythemostbeautifulplaces they have ever visited” – Jamie McGuiness, guide. Fast Facts r Remote Humla is often called the ‘Hidden Himalaya’. r Humla is the gateway to sacred Mount Kailash. r The ancient salt trade traditionally carried salt on goats rather than yaks. r highest mountain of the region is Mount Saipal The (7031m) r The best time to visit is from May through November. 19