Royal Mag 1 | Page 15

The Judges from Left to right: Royal Model Sinazo Xayimpi, Muvhango Actor Humbulani Tsharani, Royal Model/MC Sandra Sanoke , Dance Chirographer Yara Bartolomeu and Royal Model/Team member Mike Lopenzo.

The Royal Legacy Talent

Agency upgraded to a

Casting agency on the 22nd

of Feb 2014. With a turn up

of talented young people

who were determined to

bring their all. From Dancers

to Models and Actors. With

judges who specialize in Acting , to judges who specialize in dancing and Modelling. The event was also glazed with an amazing gourmet meal for the Team and Judges by Royal Chef Sibusiso Ndebele. These young talents will be trained and tested for the title of being #Royalty. It takes more than looks and skills, It takes determination, passion, patience and honesty, But more importantly, it takes Respect for those you work with and those you work for. So ask yourself this question if you fit the requirements “Am I Ready for Royalty?”