Royal Brighton Yacht Club 2021 | Page 36

WWW . RBYC . ORG . AU 19
Formed in 1991 , the group exists for those who enjoy sailing ’ s more relaxing and social aspects , along with the pleasures of exploring our waterways , bays and coastline by boat .
Regular get-togethers are enjoyed on the third Friday of each month . These meetings are well attended with 50 to 60 people sharing a meal and listening to a guest speaker or engaging in many other activities such the annual Carols at Christmas BBQ , roving dinner parties in the marina , an annual music night , trivia nights , and lunch and dinner cruises away from the Club .
Guest speakers cover a wide range of topics including cruising destinations , voyages undertaken , boat maintenance and safety equipment . Sharing a meal beforehand gives everyone a chance to catch up with friends , meet other “ boaties ”, and to share ideas .
The group endeavours to organise a ‘ Monthly on Water ’ activity , usually the last weekend of the month , depending on the weather , and in late February / early March of each year it facilitates an annual two week long “ Bass Strait Cruise in Company ”.
Cruising Group members are able to keep in touch with what is going on through a monthly newsletter and regular emails .
New members are always welcome . For more details , please call RBYC Reception on ( 03 ) 9592 3092 . Upon payment of a small fee , membership is open to anyone who is a member of a Yacht Club .
WWW . RBYC . ORG . AU 19