Commodore ’ s Welcome |
4 |
A Brief History |
8 |
Facilities |
11 |
Classes Sailed |
13 |
Sailing Program |
14 |
Cruising |
16 |
Race Management |
22 |
Junior and Youth Sailing Programs |
25 |
Becoming a Member |
29 |
Membership Benefits |
31 |
Clubhouse |
34 |
Functions and Events |
36 |
Conferences |
39 |
Icebergers |
40 |
Social Activities |
45 |
Location |
48 |
Contact Us |
51 |
PREMIER PUBLISHING 14 Ellis St South Yarra VIC 3141 T 03 9521 7994 E info @ premierpublishing . com . au W www . premierpublishing . com . au
Royal Brighton Yacht Club and Premier wish to thank the advertisers who appear in this publication for their support and wish them every business success . The contents of this brochure are believed to be correct at the time of printing , nevertheless , we cannot endorse and readers should not rely solely upon the accuracy of any statements or claims contained herein without prior consultation with the service provider .
Photography by : Royal Brighton Yacht Club