Rowan Yarns Digital Magazine Rowan Yarns Autumn Winter Newsletter | Page 54

FLAGSHIP STORE T H E C R E AT I V E NEWS & EVENTS C R A F T S H OW CALENDAR 24th- 27th October at the SEC Glasgow Rowan Flagship store Karelia House will be exhibiting at this year’s Creative Craft Show at the SEC (Scottish Event Campus) in Glasgow. We are delighted to say that once again we’ll be joining the Karelia team at the show with a dedicated Rowan area on the stand. For the latest News & Events and up to date Knitting Workshop schedules for 2019 near you please visit knitrowan. CALENDAR We are very excited to be returning for a second year and so please do come along and see us on stand F16! 54 Newsletter October 2019 | Autumn Winter Newsletter October 2019 | Autumn Winter 55