My routine
of the day
This is my routine. I wake up at 5:50 am I get up at 6:00 am after I head to the sink and brush my
teeth, once I finish brushing my teeth I go to look for the pants and after the shirt, while I connect
The iron to prepare the clothes followed I iron my uniform. At 6:10 I bathe and proceed to get
dressed. After this I put the leash and then apply lotion, I take panela water and I brush again, I
ask for my recess after my dismissal of my parents and I leave my house for the center of
agroindustrial and technological development of Guaviare To take training in the technologist in
Analysis and development of information systems.
Once I arrive in Sena I greet the guards and continue climbing the stairs and enter the room,
after turning on computer equipment in which I normally work. At 8 am we take a break and at
8:30 am we re-enter the classroom; At 11:00 we take a break again and at 11:30 we enter the
classroom again, at 12.40 pm we finish the training, then we leave for the house.
At 12.59 I arrive at my house, after the media my mom's time I love my lunch, once I finish I pick
up my plate and put it in the dishwasher and brush my teeth. After another half hour of rest, I
bathe and I join to leave the center of agroindustrial and technological development of Guaviare
to start my work.
Once it came to a well-being to the apprentice. At 2.30 I started working on a software project for
the training center, at 5.40 I leave welfare and I go to the rural development center to take the
training of the complement of oral expression and writing with the instructor Carlos Rambo
At 6.00 am the class starts, at 7.30 we take our first break and we go to the cooperative to buy
food, at 8.00 we enter the training again and at 9.40 pm finish the class I go to my house and
home as a You see and then I work on the software and I go to bed at 2.30 am.
Edwar Cruz