No Option To Own
BY Jacqueline Jules
Cancer tiptoes into the house,
dressed in black,
carrying a flashlight and a bag.
Every moment thereafter
feels stolen,
a treasure waiting to be returned,
Nazi plunder hanging on the wall.
No more breezing through hallways,
ignoring mirrors framed in gold.
My reflection surprises now—
diaphanous, discarnate—
yet really no different
than what it was before.
My life was always a canvas
painted with a brush
I did not hold;
art to admire or disdain
without the option to own.
Jacqueline Julies is the author of the poetry chapbooks Field Trip to the
Museum, published by Finishing Line Press and Stronger Than Cleopatra
published by ELJ Publications. Her poetry has appeared in over 100 publications including Sow’s Ear Review, Potomac Review, Inkwell, Gargoyle,
Innisfree Poetry Journal, Little Patuxent Review, Third Wednesday, Imitation Fruit, Connecticut River Review, and Pirene’s Fountain. She is also the
author of 30 books for young readers including the Zapato Power series
and Never Say a Mean Word Again. You can visit her online at