Downtown L.A.
By Bryce Berkowitz
tonight dolphins swim in the clouds, they leap my hands
like mangled rainbows, for soot-smeared mountains
when crackling fish bones my palms bleed, soiled
bullets piercing maw, a drifting veil of heat
dried skin, wound tight as a drum, wet with thunder
& lightning in a cracked glass, blue oyster shards in
buckled-up gutter feet, shoe leather in muck, fisted
evenings, twisted inlets, splintered chip-bits of
merciful horizon, tonight dolphins swim in the clouds
tangled entwined in mire.
Bryce Berkowitz is an MFA candidate at West Virginia University. His work
has appeared or is forthcoming in Passages North, Oyez Review, Oxford
Magazine, Evansville Review, Kentucky Review, among other publications.