Rotary Club of Northlakes Toukley In Touch July 2014 | Page 12
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Resources pooled
for sake of kids
lies also welcomed the opportunity to be volved in a program.
"Many friendships have formed between parents and
carers which provides another avenue of support," Northlakes Toukley Rotary president Gloria O'Dowd said.
"Families are often faced with enormous medical expensA partnership between Northlakes Toukley Rotary, Northes due to their child's additional needs and this unique
cott and the YMCA has resulted in affordable swimming
partnership has provided much needed skills training
lessons for children with a disability.
along with therapeutic benefits.
Although the YMCA has been running a Swimability Pro"All the families involved have seen a major change in
gram for some time, Northcott wanted to provide a protheir child's development from social skills to improved
gram that was affordable and sustainable for their families.
muscle tone.
Annette D'Adam from Northcott, also the Northlakes
Toukley Rotary youth director, applied for and received a
NSW Club Grant and in partnership with Rotary via a trivia
fundraising night raised another $2000 to support the
expanded Swimability Program.
"A special thank you to the children and their families,
YMCA staff, Northcott and Rotary Club Northlakes Toukley for partnering together for their community.
"It is a great example of social inclusion with fantastic results. Youth and community based projects are very
The extra funding resulted in Northcott engaging over 20
much part of our club's 52year history and we look forchildren (aged 2-8) in the swimming program, using YMCA
ward to supporting such projects going forward."
facilities at Toukley and Wyong pools.
The classes consisted of only five children which allowed
for more intense support from the instructors and fami-
Rotary club raises $1.8 million
"When Typhoon Haiyan devastated parts of the Philippines in November last year, this Rotary Club on the
Central Coast was right there helping support a Rotary
District fundraising effort," Mrs O'Dowd said.
The club holds a number of fundraising events during
the year, which include a golf day in September, an
International Night, Christ mas tree sales in December
WITH more than 34,000 clubs and more than 1.2 miland a horse racing day in February.
lion members, Rotary is made up of a lot of small
businesses with a common goal - helping people and The club is always on the lookout for new members.
having some fun along the way.
Visit northlakestoukley for more details
In its 52-year history the Northlakes Toukley Rotary about their work.
Club has raised around $1.8m to help local and inPeople interested in the rewarding work being done by
ternational community
projects. "Rotary is often mistaken as a charity," outgoing Rotary should attend one of the club's information
nights. To find out more phone 0499 042 864.
president Gloria O'Dowd said.
"In fact we are quite the opposite, raising funds to help
local and international projects."
This financial year the Northlakes Toukley Rotary Club
raised more than $60,000 for beneficiaries of the fundraising such as Homeless No More and SES Wyong to
purchase much- needed equipment.
Rotary Club of Northlakes Toukley