Tips on how to strengthen your club.
This quote by Tzu highlights that all the little choices we make in life are
important, especially in the long run.
1. Good leadership. There should be good leadership in the Club. It is the leadership that drives the team
in the right direction. Therefore leaders ought to be good team players, they should work and execute
their duties in line with goals and norms of Rotary.
It’s really the little things that we do on a regular basis that cumulatively
build up over time to define the person that we are.
2. Team work. Engage different Club members in different Club activities. Utilise people in your Club with
the different vocations they hold, the different Clubs have diverse membership that hold numerous
professions and should be engaged in Club presentations, activities. In addition to the effort embedded
by the membership, members should be appreciated for the effort the put into the Club activities.
Most obese, unfit and unhealthy individuals probably didn’t expect that
they would be where they are, but it didn’t just happen overnight either.
They started with an initial thought, felt something, experienced an urge
or craving, and made a choice to act in a certain way. The more they
repeated this action in similar situations, the more the brain learnt that
this is just what they needed and that this behavior should be repeated
whenever they thought or felt this way. Eventually, the action no longer
felt like a choice, but a compulsion, where they may not have even realized
what it was they were doing until it was too late, let alone be able to change
it going forward.
We need to challenge and change our behaviors if we are to make any
long term positive changes. It starts with us.
3. The quality of members also matters. It is not about the big numbers but quality. Quality members can
be acquired through mentorship and good grooming.
4. Rotary begins from Clubs. “To strengthen membership u need to groom Rotaractors join Rotary,
Interactors to join “Rotaract” Rotary counsel of legislation. Young membership of Rotarians and
Rotaractors between the ages of 18-40 should be strengthened, engaged in various Club activities
to keep them vibrant, mentored and engaged in the various activities of the Club to prepare them for
eventual leadership of Rotary, Club, District and Country teams.
5. Hospitality. Welcome people that visit your Club. Our actions at meetings matter examples greeting
one another, sharing a drink together, making introductions. Also Ideas that different guests and
Rotaractors offer for the good of Rotary are important always have a listening ear and appreciate those
that make an effort.
This month, Disease prevention and treatment month presents an
opportunity for us to start working on our darn selves to prevent the
preventable. It’s a lot easier to convince masses out there while practicing
whatever we are preaching.
6. Visibility. Let’s blow our (Rotary) trumpets to put Rotary out there because we pay to serve. Rotary
pays to provide service to various communities. So we as Rotarians, Rotaractors need to create that
awareness, visibility to the public for the good work we do. This can be done through wearing our
branded items i.e. lapel pins, Club shirts, displaying our different banners, utilisation of social media
platforms to advertise publicise our activities.
We can stay on autopilot and do what is easy, or we can tune into our core
values, ask ourselves what type of person we would like to become in the
long-run, and then take the action that is consistent with this vision, even
if it feels strange or different or outright uncomfortable.
7. Communication. In Rotary we communicate in various ways by our actions, verbal-that’s through
listening and speaking, non-verbal by writing emails, on social media platforms and many others.
Our actions are through the works we execute, the way we portray the Rotary brand and ourselves
matters. In usual fellowships we often host speakers, the people speaking ought to know the topic and
duration of the presentation, listening is key as it improves social relations and conversations.
Joan Nairuba.
President 2018 - 2019
Rotaract Club of Kololo
8. “Live the dream,” it is what RIP RI Rtn Sam Owori wanted. “Grow Rotary in Africa “. Invite a friend
and let a friend bring a friend to the various activities in Rotary, Club meetings. This encourages the
different people to join and engage in Rotary.
Kiwumulo Rachel Norah.
Rotaract Club of Kololo
ROTAMIRROR Holiday Issue 2018
ROTAMIRROR Holiday Issue 2018