Roosterman Vol. I No. 11 | Page 6

Patrick Antonio top performer of 2011

Roosterman No . 11 ; January , 2012

W inning the World Slasher Cup is dream come true to every cocker . Winning back-to-back in one year is a feat beyond expectations . But Patrick Antonio achieved it in 2011 . Didn ’ t he ?

Antonio won the WSC January edition solo . His entry , Sagupaan B50 , notched eight wins in a row for a perfect 8 points and simply steamrolled the opposition . Then in the June edition , his roosters took over in representing Spartan DR 1 in the finals . Going into the finals , Spartan DR 1 , with registered owner Rey Briones fielding his own warriors had already scored an unblemished 4-win-slate . In the ensuing finals , it was Antonio who took the cudgel for Spartan DR 1 scoring 3 wins against a loss for a total of 7 points enough for a tie for the title with two other entries .
The other two champions were Gov . Ito Ynares fielding Boy Jiao fowl and Rikki Reyes .
The big question was : Did cocking Idol Patrick Antonio score his 5th World Slasher Cup victory to tie the record 5 crowns held by Jun Santiago ? This was the whole story :
After Spartan DR-1 of WSC June , 2003 champion Rey Briones barged into the finals with 4 straight wins , the Philippines cocking idol who was eyeing to tie both a sweep of the WSC titles in a year and the 5-WSC crown-record of Jun Santiago , came in the finals fielding his roosters for the Spartan entry .
Spartan DR I took early lead with a win vs . Octagon in fight no . 8 . In fight no . 9 , PANIQUI-CAT – drew with " OLIVER WRN to keep within striking distance with 4.5 . Liberator Rachel Mitzki JU duplicated the Spartan ‘ s feat by trouncing AB Jaya BM of Boy Marzo . in fight 25 . After the first round in the finals , Spartan DR-1 and Liberator of James Uy were the only remaining teams with 5-0 perfect slates . While the two Panique-CAT teams had 4.5 pts .
In fight 35 Thunderbird dealt the Panique CAT group its first loss in 12 fights . Going into this fight Panique CAT had 5 wins and a draw while Panique CAT-1 had 4 wins and a draw .
Fight 37 saw Liberator suffered its first loss when it bowed to Alyssa Jordan while Spartan scored its six straight win in fight 38 to take solo lead .
Spartan , again fielding a Sagupaan cock , bagged the championship with still a fight to go by winning its 7th assignment against AB Jaya BM of Boy Marzo . Spartan , however , bungled the shot at solo champion when it lost its last fight against Panique CAT-1 .
Meanwhile , the other co-champions , NCA Big Event of Ynares and PR Knights Rian of Reyes , rallied from 3-1 standing going into the finals with 4 straight victories .
In fight no . 60 Antipolo JSF bowed to 333 Berjaya Group and lost all hope for as possible tie for the championship . Antipolo was going for its 7 wins in eight fights .
AS Nowitski of Alan Siaco also lost its last fight and missed a share of the title .