Roosterman Roosterman 38 | Page 15

15 Giron admits to selling garbage Buyer: Ron sent us good chickens Below is Ron Giron’s post in which Giron admitted that he gave garbage Peruvians to a buyer. Also during the course of the inter v iew G iro n gave When asked about this, Giron snapped at Rooster- Roosterman names of perman: “Dont talk about the Garbage. Thats my sons who according to him emotions taking the best out of me .. “ could vouch for his integrity. Roosterman contacted three of them. Two did not reply. The third one, Jerry Gumpad, responded to our communication but was not interested to comment about Ron Roosterman, on its own initiative found one, not on Giron’s list, but willing to issue a testimonial in Giron’s favor. Here’s what Joseeden Caldea Baria said: “2011 komoha ang partner ko ng manok kay Ron mga pure ang binigay may nakoha kami Canete 2 time winner na Carmelo, puti na Peruvian, black Peruvian ok naman ang 1 lang babae may sakit namatay Peru napakaganda ang binigay nya sa Amin “ Marami diyan sa pinas ang komuha kay Ron. Si Diamanté game farm maganda ang nakoha nya kay Ron.” (Roosterman messaged Diamante Gamefarm but as of publishing time there’s no reply yet.) Thanks for sharing Roosterman N0. 38