latter visited the Philippines recently.
“Giron wanted that I get Peruvians only from him. He became jealous every time I
get Peruvians from other sources, “Garces confided to Roosterman. Garces also
told Roosterman that he has painstakingly built his reputation and he will not ruin
it for a few thousand pesos. Those people who believed Giron and those who ridiculed me, either did not really know my person or just simply envious—kind of
some crab mentality.
Garces stopped at this, but others did not. The backlash against Giron started
pouring in on the web, particularly on Facebook. Many accused Giron of dishonesty
in dealing with buyers. They charged and presented proof that Giron sent rejects
to buyers who paid for good chickens with good money. Among the proof presented were Giron own posts containing false claims.
One such post, directed at Garces, Giron admitted that he delivered garbage Peruvians to a Lap (Hoa Kien Phan).
This revelation prompted Masang Nagmamanok (MANA) Inc, an advocacy promoting
and defending the interest of small sabungeros
to issue an advice to buyers of Giron fowl to
check for they might get garbage. Giron was
on MANA’s radar screen.
In the interest of fairness, however, Roosterman E-Mag, which is part of MANA organization seek out an online interview with Giron to
get his side of the many issues.
Here are some of what Giron said: (Giron’s
comments on this article are unedited and unchanged, even the wrong grammar and spelling. Giron’s comments are in bold and italics.)
1. On the issue that to increase the value of
his stock, Giron claimed that a popular Peruvian breeder Valqui is his cousin (a claim
Valqui denied), Giron said that the accusRon Giron with a Peruvian rooster.
ers took it too literally. When one says
someone is his primo (cousin in English) it could also mean someone he considers a good friend, not necessarily a blood relative.
“The same way you are just making an issue out of Juan valqui not being
my cousin, you know better that when we are close friends, we call each
other compadre or primo, not literally cousins.”
Roosterman No. 38
Thanks for sharing Roosterman.