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7 PPGBO treasurer Joe Bert Marcuelo, (Back row 2nd from the right) is the organization’s representative to the briefing on the World Gamefowl Expo set for January 2015. PPGBO to join World Gamefowl Expo T he Philippine Peruvian Gamefowl Breeders Organization (PPGBO) Inc. will be participating in the World Gamefowl Expo in Manila on Jan 16-18 and show the vaunted Peruvian Navajeros to the Filipino sabungeros. The Navajeros are a sight to behold. They are gigantic for a fighting cock, some weighing 5 kilos or more. Their size notwithstanding, these heavyweights of a game fowl can fight like lightweights. They can fly high, strike with speed, cut accurately and of course pack tremendous power. Another thing, Navajeros are very expensive. Twice or thrice as expensive as the American game which is the most popular breed for competition in the Philippines. Whereas a trio of very good imported American game would cost 1,500 US$, a trio of a first-rate Navajero could fetch 5,000 US$. If we include shipping charges, landed cost of a trio of imported Navajero could reach P250k. Even the blended Peruvians are also expensive. The American game infused with 1/4 or 3/16 Peruvian blood might prove superior, thus 1/2 and 3/8 Peruvians crossed with fine American game strain are still valuable as they could produce the 1.4 and 3/16 American-Peruvian blend. The 1/4 and 3/16 Peruvians will be ideal for Filipino mainstream fighting as they will weigh within the 2.4kls limit , will be high stationed with excellent body and bone structure and still pack some power. PPBGBO, however, warned the public that the Peruvian game fowl that fetched such prices are the high-quality authentic ones. There might be some who will take advantage of the high prices of Peruvians and call their fowl Peruvian even if they are not. Not all big roosters are Peruvian Navajeros. PPGBO members are properly screened. Applicants should declare from whom they got their Peruvian brood fowl and also allow representatives of PPGBO to see and inspect their stock. During the World Gamefowl Expo, PPGBO will also share information about the Peruvian with visitors to its booth. One of the aims of PPGBO is to educate Filipino sabungeros on the Peruvian . It also aims at instituting an effective authentication process to prevent “fakes.” It is a way of preserving the integrity of the Peruvian Navajero in the Philippines. PPGBO is headed by Cebuano Jayson Garces. Thanks for sharing Roosterman. Roosterman N0. 37