Roosterman 36 | Page 14

14 Events in October Break. The Philippine Peruvian Gamefowl Breeders Organization (PPGBO) filed registration papers with SEC on Oct. 22 in Cebu. Photo taken at Garces –PIPO GF shows Vicente Gesta, Jayson Garces, Joebert Marcuelo and Melvin Reyes, four of five incorporators. Not in photo is Guid Mar Magdadaro. Coordination. Jayson Garces, president of Philippine Peruvian Gamefowl Breeders Organization (PPGBO) Inc.; Pitgames media top man Manny Berbano; Paul Duran; and PPGBO trustee and MANA founder Rey Bajenting talk on how to work together in introducing Peruvian game fowl fighting to Ph. Meeting. Incorporators of Philippine Peruvian Gamefowl Breeders Organization (PPGBO)meet in Cebu to register the group with SEC. Roosterman No. 36