Chicken feed are mostly acidic. Most grains are
acidic, as well as the denatured pelletized feeds
that are mixed with chemicals. Thus, seven days
before the fight we might as well start the buffering process by introducing to their system
more alkaline. Egg white is perceived to have a
lower acidity than whole egg, so, give egg
whites instead of whole eggs during the peaking
A very safe way is giving alkaline water, or at
least, pure water, instead of tap water to the
chickens being prepared for the fight. Most tap
water have high acid level. You may also introduce pro-biotics or yogurt, but not milk, cheese
and other dairy products. As can’t process lactose because chickens do not have lactase.
Some fruits such as apples, cantaloupe and banana are also good alkaline agents. However,
care must be taken when they are given on fight
day because of their moisture and bulk.
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of MANA’s Suregain Club, we will have monthy
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