Roosterman 35 | Page 8

Breeding Ideas: How to breed killers T he game fowl is not breed for meat, for egg, or for beauty alone. The purpose for which the game fowl is bred is very complicated to achieve. Genetics, by itself, is a complicated science. It is the study of how genes are passed on from one generation to the next. In the case of breeding the game fowl it is the more complicated because of the purpose for which the game fowl is bred. The game fowl is bred to fight, and fighting ability is far from simple hereditary trait. The color of plumage and legs and the type of comb are simple hereditary traits but fighting qualities are not simple as these are dictated by several pairs of genes in several different locations. This is the hard part. It is much simpler to breed broiler and hog mainly for meat consumption wherein size and meat quality are the only considerations. Or layers for that matter. This is where perfogenetics comes in. RB Sugbo Game- Page 8 fowl Technology coined the word perfogenetics meaning to breed the game fowl based mainly on fighting performance without so much regard for purity of the bloodline. The main concern of perfogenetics is the purification of fighting traits, not the bloodline. Perfogenetics is simple genetics of performance. In effect, RB Sugbo’s perfogenetics is indeed Eugenics. Eugenics is the belief and practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population. It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits (positive eugenics), and reduced reproduction of people with lessdesired or undesired traits (negative eugenics). This is hard to do in humans because of moral, social and human rights concerns. It is simpler to apply on gamecocks. We gamecock breeders should take advantage of this fact that in breeding the game fowl nothing will hinder us from breeding only individuals possessing desirable traits. The more desirable traits and the less undesirable traits in a gene pool, the greater the chances of producing desirable individuals. Learn more about How to Breed Killers and other ideas. Read the Ebook “Simple Ideas on Breeding That Work. “ Free to members of Suregain Club. Be a member now. NEWSLETTER TITLE