▶︎ Letter from the editor
Editor’s Letter – July 2014
Welcome to our first edition of RoodeLife.
s you can imagine, our team is very excited about this
One thing people of the Roodeplaat area have in common is
new project. This opportunity is allowing us to share
beautiful homes. As you drive through the estates, it is quite evident
the latest news, write about our community and even
that these people appreciate style and have plenty of it! For this reason,
learn a few things too. There are so many places in the
we’ll be knocking on a few doors and sharing the splendour of their
Roodeplaat area which most of us have not seen or
interior designs. RoodeLife’s personal photographer will be taking the
even heard of before. These are the kind of places that we want to find,
photos, while we ask the most important question: what inspired this
explore and then write about. These places highlight the beauty of the
look? I would like to thank Jeff and Sanet for opening up their home and
area, reminding us of just how lucky we are to live here.
allowing our readers to take a peek inside. I’m sure that you too, will get
The Roodeplaat area provides our children with a safe place, where
lost in just how elegant their home is.
they can play and enjoy life the way we all used to when we were still
Roodeplaat residents are big on good food and wine, which is why
children. It’s a place where they can run around outside and ride their
our magazine would not be complete without taking a look at some
bicycles in the streets, without a care in the world. Some of the estates
scrumptious, yet nutritious, food. Engela van Eyssen is a dynamic
we will be focussing on include Kameelfontein Estate, Leeuwfontein
woman who has written a few recipes and in this edition of RoodeLife,
Estate, Pebble Rock Golf and Bushveld Estate, Sable Hills Waterfront
she gives us a new perspective on various foods and also shares one of
Estate, Riverside Country Estate, as well as the private residences and
her new recipes with us.
smallholding ́