Awareness ◀︎
Prevent Crime
reventing crime and saving the
happen to you. Installing a security alarm is not
lives of our fellow neighbours is
always sufficient, seeing that many of us do not
not only the responsibility of the
arm the system when we or our employees are
South African Police Services,
at home.
but it is also our responsibility as
Just like any other crime, hijacking can be
vigilant citizens. Being constantly aware and alert
extremely traumatic, but it is possibly also one
of your surroundings, whether you are at work,
of the crimes which we can prevent the easiest.
home or on the road, might mean the difference
For the period of 2012/2013, according to the
between life and death, either for yourself or
Institute of Security Studies, hijacking increased
those around you. The four major crimes of
by 5.4% in South Africa.
murder, rape, house robbery and hijacking are
what threatens the safety and freedom of people
in all residential areas, with
no exception to security
The crime statistics for
2012/2013, which were
made available by the Institute of Security Studies,
indicated that murder increased by 650 cases, which
is a 4.2% increase and sexual offences (including rape)
marginally decreased by
0.4%. Studies have shown
that a large percentage of
the sex crimes that take
place are perpetrated by
someone that the victim
knows. These types of
offences are referred to
as interpersonal violent crimes
By being vigilant and alert when in your vehi-
Crime Out Loud has
identified various hijacking
hotspots in the Pretoria
area, and they are:
uuBeyers Naudé Drive & Paul
Kruger Avenue;
uuBurnett Street;
uu elfi Avenue & Garsfontein
uuStormvoël Road;
uuWatermeyer Street;
uu elson Mandela Drive;
uu arious crossings on Simon
uu arious crossings on Lynnwood
Road; and
uu arious crossings on Francis
Baard Street.
cle, you can prevent being a victim of hijacking.
Remember that once you
notice someone or something suspicious, please
do not place yourself in
confronting or challenging
positions, because you will
place your life and those
around you in great danger. Rather take stock of
any specifics about the
suspect and/or suspicious
activity and then quickly get yourself and those
around you, out of immediate danger and contact
your nearest police station
for assistance.
Crime is a sad reality!
The only real way to
and the perpetrators can be
family members, neighbours or work associates.
combat crime in your area is to always be
These types of crimes are especially traumatic
prepared, be vigilant and be aware of your
and if you suspect that someone in your house-
surroundings. Make criminal activity difficult
hold has possibly been raped, we advise you to
and risky for offenders in your community and,
treat the situation with extreme confidentiality
against crime!
easy precautions
uu hen approaching or entering your
driveway, switch off your radio and
be alert. Be on the look-out for
suspicious vehicles or persons in
your street or driveway.
uu e alert if your animals do not greet
you at the gate like they normally
uu hen returning home after dark,
check with your armed response
company if they are rendering
rendezvous services. You would
normally have to contact them 30
minutes before arriving home.
Ensure that your gate closes
completely before unlocking your
uuenerally, always drive with your
windows closed and all your doors
uu hen approaching a traffic light, be
alert of suspicious pedestrians and
vehicles that are too close to you.
Slow down and try not to come to
a complete stop, so that you can
drive off again when the light turns
uu lways leave a space between you
and the vehicle in front of you and
do not take your vehicle out of gear
when you come to a complete stop
at a stop street or traffic light.
uueave all your shopping, laptops,
bags, etc. in the boot of your vehicle
and only keep the minimum, such as
your cell phone and drivers licence,
in front with you and out of sight
from predators.
most importantly, stand together in the fight
and sensitivity.
Overall, house robbery increased by 3.6%.
It is important to always remember that even
though you might stay in a secure estate, house
robbery can occur anywhere and it CAN
This editorial was brought to you by Brendon Cowley of:
C3 Shared Services (Pty) Ltd.
Specialists in intelligent video, fire and perimeter security solutions