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Grapes, Blueberries
and other Berrytype fruits
In recent years, the possible health benefits of
red wine were often
stressed in news reports
and this attention was
renewed with a report on an Australian biochemist,
Greg Jardine, who had created a new wine product.
This product is so heavily loaded with antioxidants
that it can be used to treat a host of ailments, such
as rheumatism and heart disease.
The ancient people therefore really nailed it
in making and drinking wine. It is, however, not
only in its wine form that grapes are beneficial
Eating cakes,
certain types
of bread
and pasta on
a regular
basis is very
Olives and Olive
Not only is olive oil a
in flavonoids and antioxidants that protect the
wonderful salad ingre-
body against the damage that free radicals can
dient, but it is also ideal
cause. Antioxidants may also provide protection
for cooking and baking.
against cardiovascular disease, particularly in
It contains several anti-
women, as well as keep the brain healthy and
oxidants, is high in monounsaturated fatty acids,
prevent memory loss and even dementia.
also known as “healing fats”, and in Vitamin E.
Olive oil and fresh olives protect the body
This ancient fruit is
rich in potassium, high
in dietary fibre and a
source of calcium. A fig
a day helps to regulate
blood pressure and has a positive effect on
composition of pulses complies with the
requirements of
the prudent diet which
dieticians recommend to prevent and to cure
cardiovascular disease and cancer as mentioned
above. They:
ãã are high in plant protein;
ãã are high in soluble and insoluble diet fibre;
ãã are high in complex carbohydrates;
ãã contain several minerals and B vitamins;
ãã have a low fat content;
ãã are low in salt; and
to health, but all types of berry fruit are rich
but it also has healing properties that extend
against colon cancer, it is helpful in fighting
gastritis and other stomach ailments, and also
reduces the effects of “bad” cholesterol in
the body by increasing the “good” cholesterol
weight loss. Figs are very beneficial for women’s
Honey is nature’s richest
health, especially when it comes to the
source of antioxidants
maintenance of bone density and the protection
and the health functions
of the body against cardiovascular disease. It
of honey in the body are
also helps with the correct functioning of
basis, protects against and prevents diseases
such as colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and is
highly successful in fighting gastritis and other
stomach ailments. It lowers “bad” cholesterol,
and in combination with the prevention of blood
clot forming, it prevents heart disease. Pulses
are the ideal foodstuff for weight loss and when
combined with other plant protein sources in a
vegetarian diet, prevent malnutrition.
How to use these Superfoods
The Spinach and Bean Roulade Recipe
is not just a clever combination of some
of the superfoods from ancient times
and now, but it is also a feast to the eye.
It therefore not only helps to generate
a healthy appetite, but it is also tasty and
mouth-watering good!
anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, and it is also
A meal plan that includes pulses on a regular
numerous. It is considered to be an anti-viral,
insulin in the body.
ãã contain no cholesterol.
thought to have tumour fighting properties and
Pomegranates, strange looking fruit seeds, are back
in fashion, especially in its
juice form. It gives colour
to any dish, from appe-
may thus protect against cancer. Honey also
contains healing properties to aid in the healing
of wounds and regeneration of muscles.
Dry Beans, Peas,
Lentils and Soya
tisers to desserts. If you are looking for a rich
Esau gave up his first-
source of antioxidants, then pomegranates are the
born right for a mere
answer. Pomegranates are also high in dietary fibre
pot of lentil soup (the
and a good source of calcium.
Book of Genesis) and
You can feel free to use it liberally in cooking
since then, we have witnessed how baked beans
to prevent high cholesterol, lower the risk of
have become a comfort food for many. Today,
breast cancer and to reduce the symptoms of
we fully understand why, because legumes are
not only nature’s healthiest vegetable protein,
------------------------------------------RL — Engela van Eyssen