Community News ◀︎
The first Young At Heart
get-together at Sable Hills
Waterfront Estate
anet van Biljoen and friends
organised the first Young At
Heart get-together, which took
place on the 17th of April 2014.
Being residents in the Roodeplaat
area, they realised that many of the older
residents in the Sable Hills Waterfront Estate
had only moved in during the past three to
four years. Staying in a new area, which is
fifteen kilometres out of town, can get rather
lonely as most family and friends tend to be
busy, while others now live quite a distance
away. This is how and why the first Young At
Heart get-together, for residents sixty years
and older, came about.
At the first get-together, Sanet welcomed
everyone present, and then Liesel Krause-Wiid
gave a wonderful presentation on statistics and
proof that our minds never have to grow old.
Making the decision to keep one’s thoughts and
inputs positive has a massive impact on one’s
physical and spiritual wellness. After much
needed inspiration, the afternoon was prolonged
by snacks, tea and coffee, served on beautifully
decorated tables. The sixteen men and women
present really enjoyed meeting each other and it
was wonderful to see the group take the time to
relax, chat and exchange numbers.
You’re never too old.
Unfortunately, you’re
always too young to
know it.
– Robert Brault
Young At Heart get-together
We would like to invite all residents
who are sixty years and older
in the Kameelfontein area to contact
Sanet van Biljoen Cell: 083 442 5381
for more information on the next
Young At Heart get-together
at the theatre in Sable Hills
Waterfront Estate.
She will gladly share
any information regarding this group.
We really look forward to creating a platform
whereby the older, “young at heart” residents
can meet each other, share interests and mingle.
We are also currently gathering information in
hopes of starting a few smaller groups who
share the same interests. Weekend getaways
will be investigated and planned.
Jomainei nvanwSchalkwyk
connect g to ellness
Dr Surene A Fourie - General Practitioner
MBChB (Pret), DRCOG (Lond), DCH (Lond), DFP (Lond)
1st Floor, Brent Oil Centre
202 Kameelfontein Road, Kameelfontein, 0034
Postal Address: Fotonet Suite #121
Private Bag x8, Lynn East, 0039
Therapeutic Reflexology from a Therapist registered with
Allied Health Professions Council SA
Tissue Salts and Nutritional Supplement
Tel: 081 777 0445/6
Fax: 086 218