RONUDISM Septembrie 2017 - NR. 1 | Page 7

Nude Movement primarily is about questioning ourselves. It's a movement meant for the mainstream, to have a public conversation about what it means to be human

RND:. How do you define yourself? A nudist or a simple man who appreciates the nakedness?

After coming out as an 'ex-nudist' by label at and even as mentioned in that article itself, I still use the term 'nudist' from time to time. It's like what I call my personal sexuality - I say I'm 'bi', but then I'm really 'pan', but then I'm really 'queer' if I want to be more representative and by that point I just relax about what terms I use and I'm totally comfortable with getting behind the term 'nudism' if it's represented in a way I'm happy with, these days!

RND: What do you want to change through

Nude Movement primarily is about questioning ourselves. It's a movement meant for the mainstream, to have a public conversation about what it means to be human - the case study of grappling with social nudity an excellent example of poking at this larger goal. I'm in it to change the world, and Nude Movement is one way to contribute to that.

RND: How did your friends and family react to your decision to jump naked while playing the violin?

My strict Christian parents who I respect from a distance, have reacted with shame but understand from tough love that I am doing it to help myself and to try to help others.