Romeo and Juliet May 2014 | Page 11

"we all die. the goal isn't to live forever, it is to create something that will!"

--Friar Lawerence

Juliet Capulet

Beloved daughter and wife


County Paris

Beloved kinsman


county Paris died on January 5, 2014 after a sword fight with Romeo Montague. HE was a beloved kinsman of the prince of verona. he was a charmer and won over anybody he came across. He was an easy person to talk to and was always willing to help anyone. Just like juliet, once paris set his mind on something he was certian he would obtain it. he was a very noble man. his funeral service will be held on January 8, 2014 in the palace of verona, where he will be buried by his dear friend, the prince of verona.

Juliet Capulet died on JAnuary 5, 2014. She found her true love dead and committed suicide. This girl was the most caring person anyone has ever met. she took great care of everyone including her servants. She was a little stubborn and tried to get her way, but never angered her parents. She left behind her mother and father. She will be missed by many people including her nurse, who was her closest friend. Juliet is another angel taken to heaven too fast. Her funeral service will be held on January 7, 2014. along with her husbands.