The Girl On Fire
By Mika Colombick
chose me.
Jennifer Lawrence, 23, has achieved a Catching Fire are upsetting, as I’m
lot over the past few years starring in sure you would know if you have read
'What about
the book so those were hard to film but
movies like House at the End of the
been out re
you know the Hunger Games always action
Street, Silver Linings, X‐Men and of
ger Games?
course The Hunger Games. Starting off packed and adventurous! My favourite
"Funny of y
2013 winning the Oscar for ‘Best ac‐
type scenes to be part of are any
ally in a f
tress’ this year and now the next movie fighting scenes. They are so fun to
from the hunger games saga, Catching
practise and then to perform them, my this year
Fire is out! The first Hunger Games
trainer Matt is great he really knows character
movie got so much publicity that every‐ his stuff and has taught me everything what you wo
Cooper who
one has high expectations from the 2nd to do with fighting scenes. I just
can't wait for everyone to see it and ple is the
movie. We thankfully were one of the
and I’m so
only few that got to interview Jen‐
hear what they think about it"
him because
nifer. When we interviewed her a few
'Do you see any part of Katniss in
Linings tog
years ago she was this funny likeable you?'
work with.
young teenager ready to show the world
"I'm sure all actors can find talk for ho
what she can do
ting bored
something from their charac‐
and look at her
ter in themselves. Well, that street was
now! When entering
me to be i
is unless you are playing a
the room to meet
heartless serial killer. Kat‐ genre. I lo
Jennifer she made
niss is this girl who isn’t the easiest ticular fi
me feel welcome and during the inter‐
of because
view I forgot she was an ultra‐famous to get along with, she is a closed
book. She doesn’t like to speak to any‐ esting, I f
one she doesn’t trust and she can also visual effe
'How was filming Catching Fire?'
get quite moody and angry at times but type thing
"It was really great! I love coming on‐ who can blame her she
to the set of the first scene being
is having a terrible
filmed in a movie because I’m always
life. She cares a lot
just so excited to perform new scenes about her family and of
and with new people! But the great
course if we had the Hunger Games
would be at
thing about Catching Fire was that a
and my siblings got chosen I would step pillow to.
lot of the actors that were in the
in their place for them any day. I also all and fo
first Hunger Games film are in this one keep myself to myself I’d never be able panic! But
which makes it even better as being on to be like the Kardashian Family and
Catching Fi
set is always fun with people you have have people knowing my private life;
known for a while. Like Elizabeth Banks it’s just how I am. She isn’t fussed
who plays Effie, Willow Shields who
about how she looks or what she does
plays my little sister, may I add that and if people will think of her weird‐
she is just the cutest I love her! I
ly. I guess I love dressing up and put‐
almost forgot Josh which is really sil‐ ting some make up on and go out some‐
ly of me because he plays Peeta, and he where but I won’t care about how people
and I are together most times. But eve‐ think I look if its press or just soci‐
ryone else I met were lovely people and ety! I actually did read all 3 books
I enjoyed working with them. I know the before I knew I’d be in the movie which
fans are really looking forward to this is crazy. It makes me feel so honoured
movie and that’s what got me even more to play a character that is so im‐
excited whilst filming. Some scenes in portant I’m so glad Suzanne (Author)