Though silk was the major trade item exported from China,
many other goods and ideas were exchanged, including
religions (especially Buddhism), syncretic philosophies,
sciences, and technologies like paper and gunpowder. So in
addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for
cultural trade among the civilizations
Upcoming Project
Druidism, is a modern spiritual or religious movement that
generally promotes harmony, connection, and reverence for the
natural world.
This commonly is extended to include respect for all beings,
including the environment itself. Many forms of modern
Druidry are modern Pagan religions, although most of the
earliest modern Druids identified as Christians.
Originating in Britain during the 18th century, Druidry was
originally a cultural movement, only gaining religious or
spiritual connotations in the 19th century.
This book cover the details about ancient way of spiritual rituals
and modern way of spiritual rituals together and show the
similarities, differences and faith of both type of druidism.