Rodrigo Duterte (Anna) Inquiry | Page 2

Inside Dutertes killer Drug War


Rodrigo Dutertebecame the "president of the Phillipines" on July 30th 2016. An the next day he set out on the war to stop drugs. Since July 1st there has been 4737 deaths in this war on drugs. Only 1,736 were killed by police. 3,001 werw killed from extrajudicial or vigilante-style killings.

The list to listen to

"Kill List," is one of the most accurate records of the killings of drug dealers by police. 465 have been killed only two days afterthe election of 2016. Duterte has stated ""Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun ... you have my support." Bluntly was legallizing murder.