Strategic Plan Approved:
A Guide For Years to Come
he Board of Trustees recently approved the District Strategic Plan as presented by the Strategic Design
Team, a group of community members representing parents, citizens, staff, teachers and students. The
Strategic Plan is an integral part of Rockwall ISD’s continuous improvement efforts.
Beginning fall 2017, the district embarked in a process of gathering community, parent, student and staff input
through summits, surveys and focus groups. In all, approximately 2,000 individuals voiced their hopes and dreams
for the students of Rockwall ISD while 40 committee members gathered the input and developed the plan presented
and approved by the Board of Trustees.
The Strategic Design Team committee members, Create Team members, and Lead Team members were gracious
in offering their time and commitment to engaging in conversations related to the creation of a Rockwall ISD
Beliefs, Call to Action, Goals, Learner Profile, Expected Learner Outcomes, Specific Results and Actions Plans to
serve as a framework for the plan.