For holidays and
“No Class Dates”
Check with instructor or see
Enter course # to view course
Fitness and Wellness
We recommend bringing a water bottle to all
fitness programs.
Teen Fit
This fast-paced class includes basic st rength training,
cardiovascular conditioning and stretching exercises.
Increase your overall fitness or support your sportspecific training. Taught by a certified personal trainer.
Age: 13-18
57560 M
1/2-2/13 7-8 PM
57561 M
2/20-4/3 7-8 PM
Rockville Swim and Fitness Center/Gordon
Want to help a
fellow neighbor?
senior snow
Many older adults
are in need of
assistance with
snow removal.
New! Yoga — Teens
Students can express themselves and let go of their
everyday anxieties in this safe and comfortable space.
Work on strength and flexibility through asanas, balance
and breath work and relaxation techniques. Have fun
exploring partner and group poses, cooperative games,
trust building exercises and simple meditations. Wear
comfortable clothing.
Grade: 6-10
57828 W
1/18-2/22 5-6 PM
Thomas Farm CC/Portis
Page 22 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
Yoga for Teens
All 12-16 year old aspiring yogis are invited to experience
yoga poses, breathing and relaxation techniques, and
meditation. This fun class for teens helps reduce stress
and increase body awareness. Bring a yoga mat and wear
comfortable clothing.
Age: 12-16
57679 Su
1/8-2/19 10:15-11:15 AM
57680 Su
2/26-4/9 10:15-11:15 AM
Rockville Swim and Fitness Center/Mustafa
If you can help this
winter, or if you are
a city resident, 60
and above in need of
assistance please contact
Jerry Jones