Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Fall 2016 | Page 8


Tots / Preschool
Note to parents : We require , for most programs , that children are the required age as of the date of the first class . All age requirements are set to benefit the child and allow for more consistent program instruction . In some instances , the requirements have been set for the child ’ s safety . If your child does not meet the age requirements by the start of class and you would like to request an exception , please fax , mail or walk-in your child ' s registration form . Note : Classes with low enrollment will be canceled 7-10 days prior to first class . Register early to avoid cancellations . For holidays and no class dates , see http :// rockenroll . rockvillemd . gov . Enter course number to view course details .

Arts , Dance and Enrichment

Ballet for Children
Learn the art of ballet through an elementary but professional approach . Register for the appropriate level which may be changed at the discretion of the instructor . Solid color leotard and ballet shoes recommended . Children should remain in Beginner for two years , then move on to Intermediate for four years before progressing to Advanced . Students with demonstrated proficiency are encouraged to perform with the Rockville Civic Ballet . Those previously enrolled at the RBC should register for the same class . Participants registering for two or more classes may apply a $ 5 discount . Register by mail , fax or walk-in to receive a discount . See Teen section for more classes .
Intermediate I - Ages : 7 + 55327 Sa 9 / 17-11 / 19 10-11AM $ 90 /$ 99 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr / Chongpinnitchai
Young Beginner Ballet - Age : 5-7 55328 Sa 9 / 10-11 / 19 11 AM-12 PM $ 90 /$ 99 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Chongpinitchai
Beginner Plus - Age : 6-13 55326 F 9 / 16-12 / 16 5:45-6:45 PM $ 115 /$ 125 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Simpson
Beginner - Age : 6-12 55329 Sa 9 / 10-11 / 19 12:15-1:15 PM $ 90 /$ 99 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Chongpinitchai
Gingerbread House Workshops
Build your own gingerbread house for Halloween and the December Holidays . Come learn the tricks of the trade and get creative . Fee includes one gingerbread house and all the decorating supplies . Working conditions will include plenty of cookies and drinks .
Age : 5 + 56343 Sa
10 / 15
1-3 PM
$ 45 /$ 50
56344 Sa
12 / 10
10:30 AM-1 PM
$ 45 /$ 50
Thomas Farm CC
LNM Group Piano Experience
Budding musicians will participate in piano instruction and theory as well as musical games , special extension curriculum based activities , musical listening excerpts , related projects and more ! Each student will be issued a FREE rental instrument & materials to borrow for the duration of the class . Materials are intended for at-home practice . Instruments must be returned at the end of the program on the last scheduled class day . See page 4 for piano classes for ages 2-5 .
Age : 5-12 55350 W
9 / 21-11 / 2
5-6 PM
$ 169 /$ 179
Thomas Farm CC / Learn Now Music
Age : 5-12 56370 Sa
9 / 24-10 / 29
11 AM-12 PM
$ 169 /$ 179
Twinbrook Community Rec . Center Annex / Learn Now Music
Page 8 | Main Rec . Line : 240-314-8620
Intermediate I - Age : 7 + 55325 F 9 / 16-12 / 16 4:45-5:45 PM $ 115 /$ 125 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Simpson
Intermediate II & III - Age : 8 + 55323 M 9 / 12-12 / 12 4:45-5:45 PM $ 135 /$ 145 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Chongpinitchai
Intermediate III & IV - Age : 9 + 55324 W 9 / 14-12 / 14 4:45-5:45 PM $ 135 /$ 145 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Simpson