Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Fall 2016 | Page 15

Tennis – 10 and Under Age: 5-6 55451 Sa 9/10-10/15 King Farm Park/Gough 9-9:45 AM Age: 7-10 55485 W 9/14-10/19 6-7 PM King Farm Park/UK Elite Staff $105/$119 UK Elite Soccer – Technical 6-6:50 PM $69/$79 Age: 6-8 55454 Su 9/18-10/23 King Farm Park/Z. Yargici 10-10:50 AM $69/$79 Age: 6-8 55456 Th 9/15-10/20 5-5:50 PM Montrose CC & Pk./Z. Yargici 3-3:50 PM $69/$79 $69/$79 Focusing on the individual, this class will teach techniques and skills. A typical hour will include games, structured practices and scrimmages. Our professional coaches will ensure players improve their game and have a memorable experience. Wear shin guards. Cleats are recommended. Age: 5-6 55486 W 9/14-10/19 6-7 PM King Farm Park/UK Elite Staff $105/$119 Sports - Leagues We recommend bringing a water bottle to all league practices and games. Wrestling 10-10:50 AM $69/$79 Age: 8-10 55453 Sa 9/17-10/22 King Farm Park/Z. Yargici 4-4:50 PM $69/$79 Age: 8-10 55457 Th 9/15-10/20 6-6:50 PM Montrose CC & Pk./Z. Yargici $69/$79 Age: 9-10 55458 Sa 9/10-10/15 King Farm Park/Gough $69/$79 11-11:50 AM 10:45-11:25 AM $58/$68 Age: 7-8 56817 Sa 11/5-12/10 Lincoln Park CC/Gough 11:30 AM-12:20 PM $58/$68 Age: 9-10 56818 Sa 11/5-12/10 Lincoln Park CC/Gough 12:30-1:20 PM $58/$68 The City is proud to sponsor a youth wrestling team to compete in the Montgomery County Wrestling League. Note: There is an additional $35 fee payable by the family for AAU membership. Equipment and uniforms are provided. Practices begin 11/15 and 11/17 at Wootton HS, 6:30-8 p.m. Meets begin 1/7, between Noon and 5 p.m. at Walt Whitman HS. Wrestlers at least 6 years old by 1/1/17 are eligible. Wrestlers 14 years old by 1/1/17 are eligible. Register by: 11/3 Age: 6-14 56758 Sa 1/7-2/18 12-5 PM Meets: Walt Whitman High School $145/$155 Youth Tennis Tournaments Everyone’s a winner with our Youth Tennis Tournament! Emphasizes skill development in a fun, competitive touranment, which is sanctioned by the United States Tennis Association. Participants will have a smashing time using kid-sized courts, nets, rackets, and low compression balls. Registration Deadlines: 12 and Under division by 8/12. 10 and Under division by 8/19. 10 and Under Division- Age: 9-10 55120 Sa 9/3 11 AM-5 PM City of Rockville Tennis Courts $28/$33 12 and Under Division - Age: 11-12 55122 Sa 8/27 8 AM-6 PM City of Rockville Tennis Courts $33/$38 | Page 15 Age: 7-8 55452 Sa 9/10-10/15 King Farm Park/Gough Indoor Tennis Classes: Age: 5-6 56811 Sa 11/5-12/10 Lincoln Park CC/Gough Improve fundamental techniques, skills and all aspects of your game using Brazilian-style tactics of soccer. Wear shin guards. Cleats are recommended. $69/$79 Age: 5-7 55455 W 9/14-10/26 Woodley Gardens Pk./Raaf Age: 6-8 55459 Sa 9/17-10/22 Woodley Gardens Pk./Raaf UK Elite Soccer – Brazilian Theme Children Using kid-sized racquets, lower nets, softer balls and smaller courts, players learn tennis easily and quickly in a child-friendly environment. Children are taught through a variety of racquet and ball activities, and enjoyable tennis games. Junior racquets are provided.