Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Fall 2016 | Page 10

Tots/Preschool Children Taekwondo for Kids This class combines martial arts and fun activities that will help your child learn self-defense, improve their confidence and self-discipline. We will cover basic kicks, blocks, strikes and self-defense techniques. Taught by a World Taekwondo Federation certified 4th degree Black Belt. Age: 6-11 56726 Su 9/11-10/23 2:30-3:30 PM 56898 Su 11/6-12/18 2:30-3:30 PM Rockville Swim and Fitness Center/Fumagalli $60/$70 $60/$70 Tumbling and Tramp Students will learn a variety of tumbling skills from forward rolls to back handsprings and will progress to more difficult moves as skills are mastered. Trampoline skills including proper jumping and landing, seat drops and straddle and tuck jumps will also be taught. Age: 4-6 55478 F 9/23-10/28 4:30-5:30 PM Xtreme Acro and Cheer/Staff $69/$79 Age: 7-12 55479 F 9/23-10/28 5:45-6:45 PM Xtreme Acro and Cheer/Staff $69/$79 Zumba Fit-Kids Zumba Fit is a fun and effective cardio dance workout that includes exercises designed to strengthen the entire body. While intended as an introduction to the easy Latin and international inspired program, this high energy/low impact class has something to offer all fitness levels. Age: 7-12 56738 Sa 9/10-10/22 12-12:45 PM 56899 Sa 10/29-12/17 12-12:45 PM Rockville Swim and Fitness Center $56/$65 $56/$65 School Break Programs Adventure Series Kids are not in school so why not go on an Adventure with the Thomas Farm Community Center staff. The September trip is to Skyzone in the morning and lunch, and back to the center to create a pottery project. The October trip is to Summers Farm in Frederick and includes corn maze, hayrides, animal barnyard and lots more. The November trip is Bowling and a movie. Grade: 1-5 56353 M 9/12 56354 F 10/7 56362 Tu 11/8 Thomas Farm CC 9 AM-3 PM 9 AM-3 PM 9 AM-3 PM $25/$30 $25/$30 $25/$30 Winter Blast Escape the cold this winter by joining the fun indoors! Activities include sports, crafts and organized games each day. Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes. Bring a bag lunch. Age: 5-12 56376 Tu-F 12/27-12/30 Thomas Farm CC 9 AM-3 PM $120/$140 Page 10 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620 Winter Wonderland Fun Day Escape the cold this winter by joining the fun indoors! Activities include sports, crafts and organized games each day. Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes. Bring a bag lunch. Age: 5-12 56373 Tu 12/27 9 AM-3 PM 56374 W 12/28 9 AM-3 PM 56375 Th 12/29 9 AM-3 PM 56777 F 12/30 9 AM-3 PM Twinbrook Community Rec. Center Annex $30/$35 $30/$35 $30/$35 $30/$35