ROCKNATION ISSUE 23 PAGE 29 You had PAUL SABU an AOR Rock Legend produce this release, how long have you worked and known him? I met Paul Sabu 31 years ago in 1985. We became friends right away. I have a style and so does Paul, and when we combine the two we get a certain sound and I think that’s been apparent for a long time. He’s shown and taught me a lot over the years with regards to singing and songwriting and guitar work. He also is a master engineer that can dial up a great guitar tone and so on… All the time I’ve spent with him in the studio I’ve observed and asked questions and learned from him.Now that it’s been a long musical partnership, I integrate my ideas and collaborate more. Still, he is the producer/director so to speak and I am the artist, so I trust him and with that respect in mind we create the songs! When I went back into the studio this time with Paul, I had in mind to add more slide guitar, acoustic rhythms as well as electric blues with a country style to shape the personality and attitude needed for what I wanted to accomplish. You have quite a history with Gene Simmons and the KISS camp. What fond memories stand out for that?
 I remember the days of going over to Gene’s house to song-write with him, when I’d get there in the morning to his house we’d immediately go make toast and coffee or tea, and that would get the juices flowing, haha. But seriously, there are so many great moments I had with Gene Simmons and the KISS camp, probably the first meeting Silent Rage had when we went to meet him at his house, as well as the first time in the studio with him. Also the many times we song wrote together, and then there’s the Revenge CD sessions that I was invited to come and sing backups in the studio with Gene and Paul. Those are a few of some of the great memories I remember from the past. You have a great history with Silent Rage releasing 4 records.Do you have any cool stories that stand out while on tour? One of my biggest and favorite moments was being on tour with Black Sabbath back in 1989, I appreciate those memories and opportunities from way back then. So many great concerts and shows along the course of my career and from the Hollywood Sunset Strip era too, like the Whiskey A-Go Go, the Roxy Theater, and the Rainbow Bar & Grill! More recently, Silent Rage traveled to Europe quite a bit in the last few years and got to play some festivals. You meet so many friendly and devoted fans, crew and staff at these events, its simply wonderful! Who were your influences growing up? Rock influences were Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Johnny Winter, Country influences were Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, blues influence was BB King, and my Jazz influences was Louie Satchmo Armstrong. Who are your favorite singers? My favorite male singers are Robert Plant, Lou Graham, Steve Perry, Mickey Thomas, Lonesome Dave Peverett, My favorite female singers are Ann Wilson, Chrissie Hynde, Stevie Nicks, Grace Potter What plans do you have for 2016? My solo career is busy right now performing out live with my band Electric Caravan in support of my new release. I’m continuing to write new songs all the time, so I will be ready for the next opportunity Thank you for taking time for this interview and last words to the fans? To all of you fans who’ve supported me, I owe you my gratitude and I do it all for you! I thank you very much ROCKNATION for the great questions, and hope to again have another chat sometime down the road…