Rockford Living 2013-14 July, 2013 | Page 36

Locally Owned Herrington’ s Waste Services Ready to Serve
Love your home again
with DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen.
HighPoint Electric Crew Does Whatever it Takes
Woodland Tree Services – Your“ Complete” Tree Care!
Home & Garden
Locally Owned Herrington’ s Waste Services Ready to Serve
When searching for a waste hauling service, look no further than the locally owned Herrington’ s Waste Services. When you call Herrington’ s, you can rest assured that you’ re talking with someone who cares about the area.
For the past 36 years, Rockford residents have come to know Herrington’ s as a reliable, affordable, family-owned and local business.
“ We’ re totally a local company and we care about how we treat customers,” says Sandy Herrington, who runs the company with her daughter, sons and other family members.
The company is proud of its A + rating from the Greater Grand Rapids Better Business Bureau.
“ With Herrington’ s, there are no sign-up fees, no administrative charges and no added fuel or environmental costs,” Sandy says.“ We set the prices that other companies try to match.”
Rockford area residents appreciate that the crew at Herrington’ s use smaller trucks that are quieter and less damaging to driveways. A host of side offerings are also available including recycling, yard-waste disposal and personalized service.
Herrington Waste Services prices are consistently the most affordable in the area.
Servicing homes from Sparta, Cedar Springs, Comstock Park, Rockford, and Belmont, and east to Greenville and south to Cascade, Herrington’ s Waste Services is ready to add you to their list of satisfied customers.
Herrington’ s Waste Services, Inc. 6632 Ramsdell Ave., Rockford info @ herringtonwasteservices. com( 616) 874-9115 www. HerringtonsWasteService. com
DESIGN NOTE: The people below want the headline or some of the text in the photo.
Love your home again
DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Greater Grand Rapids 4658 West River Drive, Comstock Park( 616) 632-2284 www. DreamMakerGR. com
with DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen.
Browse their design center, consult with their designers, and be amazed at the expertise of their remodeling experts. From awardwinning design to sparkling finish, The DreamMaker team looks forward to enhancing your home and improving your lives!
HighPoint Electric Crew Does Whatever it Takes
Trust the“ Tree People” at Woodland Tree Services: ISA Certified Arborists, World Class climbing specialists, knowledgeable diagnosis and treatment for your Trees! Let the real professionals care for you & your Trees!
Woodland Tree Services – Your“ Complete” Tree Care!
Woodland Tree Services, Inc. PO Box 439, Rockford •( 616) 696-7400 • www. 4YourTree. com
When you hire one of the top specialty contractors in West Michigan you expect to get the job done right the first time, which is a guarantee at HighPoint Electric.
“ We’ re On It” has been the company motto since it was founded in 2006, said owners Jerry and Leslie Cardinal.
HighPoint offers complete electrical services from system design to the finished product. Whether it’ s a service upgrade, power to a pole barn, adding an outlet, handling an electrical emergency, or explaining energy rebates, the HighPoint crew is committed to exceeding your expectations!
“ We serve commercial, industrial and residential customers— no job is too small and no location too far way,” Leslie said. Call today and discover the HighPoint difference for yourself.
HighPoint Electric 8113 Belmont Avenue, Belmont( 616) 866-0900 or 1-877-887-4248 Hours: 8-4( M-F), 24-hour Emergency Service www. HighPointElectric. us
Rockford Living Magazine 2013 / 2014