Cosmos receiving largest global TV launch
Photo: FOX
Soter. Together they have conceived a new 13-part
FOX Networks Group has announced the first ever si- series that will become the long-awaited successor to
multaneous cross-network global event for “Cosmos: A Sagan’s original breath taking series.
Hosted by world renowned astrophysicist Dr Neil deSpacetime Odyssey” on Sunday March 9 at 9 p.m. ET/
PT. Showing across multiple U.S. networks on Sunday, Grasse Tyson, “Cosmos” will take us on a new voyage
March 9, this exhilarating new series will make its de- of discovery. This is the saga of how we discovered the
but on FOX International Channels and National Geo- laws of nature, and how we found our coordinates in
space and time.
graphical Channels.
As with the original ground breaking series, “Cosmos”
After the cross-network premiere event, “Cosmos: A
Spacetime Odyssey” will continue its epic 13-episode continues on its quest to bring together never before
run, airing Sundays (9-10 p.m. ET/PT) on FOX, and Mon- told stories, and to transport its viewers across the Unidays – with all-new bonus footage and behind-the- verse to reveal the Cosmos in all its splendour. Scientific
scenes content – on the National Geographic Channel concepts will continue to unite scepticism and wonder,
whilst weaving rigorous science with the emotional and
(NGC) (10-11 p.m. ET/PT).
In addition to the 10 U.S. networks simulcasting the spiritual into a transcendent experience.
Once again, viewers will be enthralled by elements
premiere episode, Fox International Channels (FIC)
and National Geographic Channels International of the original series as the Cosmic Calendar and The
(NGCI),will premiere Cosmos on all 90 National Geo- Ship of the Imagination are reinvented.
graphic Channels in 180 countries, as
well as 120 FOX-branded channels in 125
countries, making this the largest global
launch ever for a television series.
Rolling out immediately after the highly
anticipated U.S. premiere, international
markets will begin airing the premiere episode day and date on both FOX-branded and National Geographic Channels,
concluding within one week of the domestic premiere event. The additional 12
episodes will air exclusively on National
Geographic Channels outside the U.S.
It has been three decades since Carl
Sagan’s iconic and much loved exploration of our Universe in “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage” aired on our screens.
Thirty years later, and Seth McFarlane
has teamed with Sagan’s original col- Executive Producer Ann Druyan and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson have been
laborators – writer and executive produc- drawing an enthusiastic response to “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” during a
er Ann Druyan, and astronomer Steven recent worldwide press tour.
Photo: National Geographic Channels
By Sam Mundell