RocketSTEM Issue #12 - July 2015 | Page 12

Lunar Rover No.1, is stowed inside the Apollo 15 Lunar Module at the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. When completely stowed, all four wheels of the LRV are folded against the chassis. Credit: NASA via Retro Space Images race, none of them worked. They were too costly, too ambitious for the mission profiles, and above all just too heavy to carry. When reality was being measured in terms of grams and ever-tighter dollars, the lunar surface vehicle designers were still imagining in terms of tons, and eventually they had to concede the obvious. For Apollo, there would be no two-week surface expeditions, no separate Saturn cargo launches to place machines up there. The need was bare-bones simple: aboard a single Saturn launch along with everything else needed for a mission, a vehicle that would be stripped to the minimum, used flawlessly but only once, and abandoned. By 1967, when there were no realistic proposals on the table and the clock was ticking down to President Kennedy’s deadline, NASA said it could not be done. But the hope was just too good for General Motors to leave behind, and the need was obvious. The most scientifically promising places on the Moon were also the most hazardous to reach; and what was the point of risking a landing at a site like the 10 10 Apennines or Taurus-Littrow if the safe radius of walking exploration was half a mile around the LM? However, developing a spacecraft took five years by the most optimistic schedule, and the ones for the Command Module and the Lunar Module had proven unrealistic. “This is 1967, 1968,” Pavlics remembered, “and it’s really late in the program to create a new vehicle that could be ready. “North American already has to redesign the Command Module after the fire. The LM is behind schedule too. So NASA’s path is set. It was 1968 or so when they cancelled MOLAB and it looked like it was all done for vehicles. Then, independent research and development money provided by GM was used in our study—even if NASA did not want to pursue this, we still did. “We did a study of how to create a vehicle to all the required specs and fit it either inside or attached to the outside of the existing LM. We went to NASA headquarters and talked with the brass and asked, can you identify what space might be available on the LM? We were also in contact with Grumman. They said, well, this small corner could be made available. Whatever was in there could be repositioned and the space freed up—we could use that much for whatever GM came up with. They we came home and started figuring it out.” The “small corner” was inside the descent stage to the right of the ladder as one faces the LM. It was “a triangular bay 60 inches high, 70 inches wide at the base, and 36 inches deep”…. just over thirty cubic feet, and the shape of it narrowed from the broad end to a point like a tall, wide slice of layer cake. “Figuring it out,” as Pavlics put it, meant visualizing a way “to store a Jeep size vehicle carrying a payload of 1,200 pounds into a space not larger than the back of a station wagon.” The solution Pavlics figured out changed the Apollo program. “I came up with this idea of folding the vehicle,” he said, “but nobody could really visualize it. That’s why I built a little 1/6 scale model and with that, people could see it. Some of the pieces that needed machining we did in the shop at GM, but I made most of it and assembled it here at home. [For the wheels] I bought some stainless steel mesh off www.RocketSTEM .org