From the outside he looks fine: a
troubled man hides his feelings
A few months ago, Scott Stapp was placed on psych
hold for 72 hours after police found him drugged and
rambling on a Florida roadside.
the way. U have to leave with kids and meet me in Atlanta.’ and ‘I’m coming to get you Satan and children.
No mercy. You know how this ends. God created you
and now God is ending you’. Jaclyn Stapp also stated in
Stapp then posted multiple 16-minute rambling face
her divorce papers that he ‘threatened to kill his wife
book videos claiming that ‘people had taken advantage and children after drugs drove him to believe that bioand stolen money’ from him and that they were trying logical weapons and Satan were in Florida’.
to ‘discredit’ and ‘slander’ him. Shockingly, the prior
Creed frontman who was once worth $10m, is now
‘completely penniless’ and ‘living in a Holiday Inn’. He
also confessed: ‘I went two days without eating because I had no money and I ended up in an emergency
room’. Although the singer appears different he insists
that he’s ‘as sober as can be - no drugs, no alcohol’.
Terrified, Stapp’s wife and sister-in-law placed a 40
minute 911 call. They claimed that he was cruising
His estranged wife tried to get him on a 60-day psych
around the neighbourhood, shirtless on a bicycle,
hold, claiming that he was ‘deep into various drugs’
claiming to be a CIA agent and his mission was to kill
such as coke, weed, amphetamines and crystal meth.
Obama. Later on, the frontman than called police sayShe believed that this was why he sent paranoid text
ing that his wife had stolen his truck and that’s why he
messages: ‘Florida is not safe. Biological weapons on
was on a bike. Surprisingly, he also accused his wife of
stealing $6m from him and said that when he confronted her about it she decided to get him locked up.
After inspecting Stapp, the police determined that he
didn’t show enough signs of mental instability to warrant a psych hold.
‘his mission was to kill
‘completely penniless’ and
‘living in a Holiday Inn’