Rock & Metal World September 2013 | Page 19

ending and this is what the music tells us, even the orchestra follows another path to emphasize this reflexive moment the singers gave us, leaving all the listeners touched. In the end, Lingua Mortis Orchestra and Rage gave us a perfect Master Piece and I’m not exaggerating, musically speaking it is an entire and complex work, they show the musicians’ talent as n ?BG?V67B??7FW&V?G?W27&VFVB'?F?R6?R??GW7G'???BWfV?F?Rf?2?V?v&R?bF??2?6??G&?'WFRF?F?V????F?R?&?72?????6???RW2F????&?WB??rF?vW&?W26?&RF?Rf?F?72??WfW'?f?&?2vV??F?RfV"f?"F?RV????v??2F?R&W72&V?V6R6?3??WN( ?2f?&vWB??F?RF???w2vR?v?2?fR&V?WfVB&?WBF?R??FW&7F???&WGvVV?F?R7??????2V?V?V?G2?B?Vg??WF????uT??%D?2?$4?U5E$&VFVf??RF??2vV?&R??