Rock & Metal World English Edition 52 | Page 7

This debut start with the song that gives the disc its name, Before the Sunrise, a song with which we notice the band’s style, with an aggressive and strong beginning that is remarked by the Bicego’s interpretation and his particular style. It can be said that the production achieved a balance in the instrumentation since neither instrument overcomes the other, just in the moment for the solos, which stand out for their melody without losing that aggressive touch we found since the beginning. We have a nice start. We continue con Message, which is less aggressive and even happier than the previous song, but it preserves the strength of its great rhythmic base which will become the seal of this band. We have strong and melodic riffs, as well as good guitar solos and keyboards that make us follow the rhythm. While the Italian singer keeps wrapping us with his interpretation. The third track corresponds to Behind the Wind that continues that explosive power, with some dramatic moments even, and with some structural changes that can be surprising, even here we can listen some discrete chorus and longer solos. I can say that this a more complex and experimental song and beaks with the tendency of the previous ones. 7