Rock & Metal World English Edition 51 | Página 16

To write strong songs, strong melodies, and lyrical, the inspiration came, from my part at least, I created the concept of The Quantum Enigma and that it’s dealing about the quantum physics, when you absorb little particles, you influence these particles so you can never absorb things in the quantum physic world without having an influence on it and as we are made of all those little particles our self, not in separate particles, you can also ask yourself a question, we see the world as it is, but if we wouldn’t absorb the world, would the world still be there? what is exactly real? and what is it an illusion created by our minds? and the whole album is dealing about this concept, that goes in different directions to from psych road and also Simone wrote lyrics with this topic in a back point of her, wrote her own visions on this things. We got inspiration about this topics in some scientific documentaries and also books and some papers. • Not many people write about this kind of scientific topics. Yeah that’s right, and science can also be sometimes very boring. • Personally, do you have any song that for some reason or meaning has become your favorite one? Yeah, that differs every day. If you’re asking to me today it is a completely different track as it was yesterday as it was the week before. So every day it changes. I have not really one favorite track in this album. I’m really happy with the album as a whole, but if you ask 16