D.G. Rocío Echávarri (Deuzzy)
Zeljko Vidovic
Graphic Design & Columnist (Mexico)
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @deuzzydragon
Underworld Music
Idaly Lejeune
Correspondent and columnist (France)
Francois Phoenix
Rodrigo Hidalgo
Manuel Ocaña Palacios
Correspondent (France)
Editor in chief of the English version,
English translation
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @manuelocana
Melany S.
Columnist (Mexico)
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @strato_mel
Zaravasty Luna
Uriel Rámirez (Waltz)
Columnist (Mexico)
David Juárez
Columnista (Spain)
[email protected]
Mario Bolaños
Javier Arriaga
Twitter: @Hyperdrive_
Lilith Absynthe (Selma Estrada)
Elena Garnes
Twitter: @lossielgarnes
Graphic Design & Layout: Rocío Echávarri
Cover Design: Rocío Echávarri
Logo Design: Rocío Echávarri & Alfredo Mambie
Rock & Metal World is a publication dedicated to the diffusion of Rock Music and Metal.
The content and opinions of the articles is the exclusive responsibility of their authors.