de Paris-Bercy
François Phoenix /Translation: Mario Bolaños
That´s right, this time I managed to see
Black Sabbath! And above all, I saw Tony
Iommi! Because the friend Ozzy, I’ve
seen him several times over the summer festivals, but Mr. Iommi, I have encountered some difficulties to see him…
The cancellation of the Heaven & Hell
show in Sonisphere Switzerland in 2010
due to the unfortunate death of Ronnie
James Dio (which I will never see live…
RIP), the cancellation of Black Sabbath at Hellfest 2 years ago because of
Tony´s cancer… This was my third attempt, therefore, I was not very sure of
my success, but this time, nothing happened, except for a magical moment, a
meeting with a group of legend, a myth!