Rock & Metal World English Edition 46 | Page 9

Fifth Son of Winterdoom opens with Back Into Mystery, the guitar marks its presence in a calm way during some seconds until the rest of the band enters in an almost overwhelming way with Mark’s interpretation. This is a song with a very spirited rhythm. The cadency is broken abruptly in the moment of the solo that sounds during some instants, just to return to the initial cadency, which will continue until the song’s end. The classic Petrossi’s style can be heard in Like a Lion in a Cage, a song with all the sound of Iron Mask, with impeccable riffs and the forcefulness of a rhythm that comes in a direct way to our ears and brains with the interpretation of his so highly acclaimed vocalist. There is a wonderful solo moment when we can enjoy a nice duel between the guitar and the keyboard played by Andreas Lindhal. Breaking with the previous mood we arrive to the third track, Only One Commandment, which rhythm is 5