Rock & Metal World English Edition 44 | Page 23

Equinox is the starting song and we could listen a soft and acoustic beginning; immediately replaced by a strong rhythm followed by the power metal style and those riffs which will take us to madness until the end in which we return to a beautiful acoustic moment, calming down the frenzy. Then we found Lotus Effect, in the beginning it reflects the sound of Middle East, this song is less powerful than its predecessor, but the rhythmic base continues attacking the ear of the listener, while we keep listening Antonello’s great work at the guitar in which we could notice his classical influences. The next track is the one who gives name to the album The Mansion of the Lost Souls, after we listen some sound effects we enter directly to Antonello’s sensational riffs which made me remember another fantastic Italian guitarist (you know who I am talking about). It is also a song with a peaceful rhythm if we compare it with Equinox, but it is full of melody and energy only achieved by virtuous fingers. Now we keep going with a beautiful and peaceful song; Sorrow is one of those tracks which invite us to listen with closed eyes and travel through music and imagination. But be careful, because unexpectedly Antonello takes us out of this peaceful moment with Flight of the Slepper, he’s expert in changing moods and then we found Entr’act, a short song with an electronic sound which serves as interlude so we can continue with the rest of this work. The second part of the album starts with the powerful The Power of the Whip which honors his name, delighting us with faster and melodic riffs while the bass and drums make a strong support for the guitarist. The next track is Dream of the Dead Tree, I could say it brings us closer to nature, from the sound effects in the beginning, to the soft acoustic play. It is