Antonello Giliberto
The M ansion
Of Lost Souls
Rocío Echávarri (Deuzzy) / Translation: Zaravasty Luna
t is difficult for me follow the newest musical releases which
keep appearing almost every day. I could spend whole days
and nights listening the material that constantly is sent
to my inbox. Many have incredible musical and interpretative
quality. That’s why when I choose the material I want to write
about, I pay special in the feelings the music produces and I
cannot resist the desire to do a review. The best example is the
next album: The Mansion of the Lost Souls, Opera Prima of a
young Italian guitarist whose name is Antonello Giliberto.
Antonello was born in Sicily, he’s far away for an improvised
musician and his impressive resume shows it. In his first years,
he had strong influence in classical music, especially J. S. Bach,
later by Yngwie Malmsteen and Jason Becker. Antonello has
developed his style, studying, listening and playing different
musical styles as Jazz, Rock and Fusion.
The Mansion of the Lost Souls is an entire instrumental album,
we could listen his control on the six strings instrument; full of
melody and powerful riffs which could satisfy the lovers of the
neoclassical metal.