Rock & Metal World English Edition 44 | Page 18

As closure we have the grandiloquent Marching For Liberty, a song that has a briefly, but important guest appearance of Fabio Lione. Meanwhile on the background we listen to the wind sound and the crows cawing, the acoustic guitar accompanied by Lione that narrate us the first verse until the choir comes in singing in Latin. Then the band starts with their well-known style and the climax of the album starts. The choir and Gabor Nagy join in a great dialogue, while the music resound with an excellent accompaniment. We have a mid-time full of melody and strength with the battle between the guitarists riffs before that Another acoustic pause arrive that is accompanied again by Lione. Once more the choir sets the moment for him and Nagy, in another great performance, reach the song climax. The intensity comes down again and it is the moment Where Fabio manages to close this track.