Rock & Metal World English Edition 44 | Page 15

As amuse bouche we find ourselves with World of the Free, a wonderful prelude that welcome us with a magnificent choir as in a kind of a hymn. Immediately the sound of the guitars and the rest of the band make their entrance to give us Dust of the Sun: changing the martial and solemn from the last track, for something more vibrant and joyful. The typical Wisdom sound now reinforced by the choir that complements, in a spectacular way, Gabor Nagy. Velocity, melody and some riffs that cannot gone unnoticed for the ones listening to them. War of Angels presents a heavier and hard sound without falling in the dark. Once more the choirs give away that solemn hint in what seems the prelude to a battle, the rhythmic base is set up by Mate and Balazs Agota reinforce that feeling, altogether with guitars that resound in the speakers. Nagy just perform in an exceptional way, in this kind of harangue. While we listen to sound effects, the guitars start with Failure Of Nature, which follows the last path but way more solemn and