Rock & Metal World August 2013 | Page 17

Breaking with the last scheme appears Our Own Messiah a track that seethe between the rough of the metal sound and the folk feeling from middle east , we find a very strong guitar , even aggressive in some moments , an impeccable rhythmic base , choirs that achieve a great setting supporting Kobi who also gives a diversity in his performance .
Children is the one in charge of closing with a perfect finale this album . A beautiful artwork that without a doubt , for the feeling that flows in it , can reach into the heart of anyone who listens to it . In addition of finding one of the best solos of this album . In other words a sublime track from beginning to end .
Orphaned Land come back to leave their mark with an album that deserves a very special place in the Annals of music , the quality shown in this work can only be achieved thanked to the passion of whom took part in it . Yes , it is an album full of passion , pain and over